Look at the replacement products kardinal stick all around. Less dangerous than the original product But that doesn't mean it's safe.

Look at the replacement products kardinal Stick all around. Less dangerous than the original product But that doesn’t mean it’s safe.

Research to date indicates that Substitute products are less dangerous than traditional products. It is also a more effective alternative to helping quit smoking habits than other options. But replacement products are not 100% safe for your health because more and more research is being conducted. Points out the harm of substitute products Both effects on the vascular system Weakening the lungs Risk of emphysema Including the long-term health effects that have not yet been determined.

A few days ago, Mr. Anutin Charnwirakul, Minister of Public Health Has issued a clear announcement that Will not amend the law on substitute products As a result, importing and distributing alternative products in Thailand is still illegal. The decision generated both a supportive and a cross-sectional trend. Such as the Confederation of National Networks for Thai Smoke Free Society To support and appreciate the decision of Mr. Anutin While the other side Representative network users of replacement products “Donkey without smoke” came out to express his disagreement. He argues that this permanently closes the door of alternatives to giving up the original product. It can be said that it is not open to people who truly w The most obvious advantages of replacement products are It is 95% less dangerous than a traditional product. The British public health agency reviewed studies. About the harm of the original product compared to the substitute product And it was concluded that the substitute products were 95% less harmful than cigarettes. Therefore, it does not produce tar, which is an oil produced by tobacco combustion process and is the main cause of lung cancer. In addition, the replacement product does not produce the traditional carbon monoxide gas.Therefore much saferant to stop this behavior.

In addition, another advantage of the replacement product is Being an alternative to quitting smoking habits is more effective than other alternatives. The latest research to come out this year Which conducting research in England found that Up to 18% of respondents who tried to quit smoking behavior using alternative products were able to quit. While the sample tried to quit smoking behavior using other types of nicotine replacement such as nicotine gum. Or a nicotine patch. They were less able to quit, with only 9.9% being able to stop such behavior.

However, I must say that Over 80% of people who use a replacement product to help quit smoking habits still use a replacement product within a year of discontinuing the original. While only 9% of nicotine replacement users still need the nicotine replacement one year after they’ve stopped using the original product. And another advantage of the replacement product is Secondhand smoke from replacement products is significantly less harmful to those around them than secondhand smoke from traditional products.

Despite having many advantages But substitutes are not 100% safe, and although replacement products have only recently emerged. And research on the harms of substitute products is still very limited. But in the past, more and more evidence has surfaced.That replacement products affect health in a way that is different from traditional products.

Look at the replacement products cardinal stick all around. Less dangerous than the original product But that doesn't mean it's safe.

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